[gdal-dev] new NBM grib2 files are not warpable
Thomas Horner
haevitetty at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 15:27:15 PDT 2020
Thank you for your work and diligence. Perhaps what I meant by the warp
"working" was that in 3.1.0 it is no longer throwing an error about being
able to compute the bounds.
I can confirm that NWS's NBM v3.2 grib2 files are now translating to TIF
successfully when I try using the latest docker images in the repo.
Translating to TIF and then warping to 4326 looks correct when opening in
QGIS. Thanks for the tip about band interleaving too.
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 2:26 PM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> Thomas,
> > A follow up with some more information. According to Zachary Flamig,
> there
> > are no issues in GDAL 2.2.0. I encountered these issues in 3.0.4.
> I've just pushed a fix for that regression. was an added security check
> that was incorrectly triggered when reading band 23.
> > In 3.1.0,
> > the warp works correctly, but gdal_translate still fails with an out of
> > memory issue.
> Hum, are you really sure about that.. ? if gdal_translate cannot work, I
> can't see how gdalwarp could (if you use -overwrite to make sure creating a
> new file, and not updating something potentially unrelated)
> I get now gdal_translate and gdalwarp to work, but due to how GRIB
> decompression works, for performant operation, I strongly suggest to first
> gdal_translate to a band interleaved GeoTIFF file, and then gdalwarp it:
> gdal_translate blend.t16z.master.f001.co.grib2 tmp.tif \
> -co tiled=yes -co compress=zstd -co interleave=band
> gdalwarp tmp.tif out.tif -t_srs EPSG:4326 -overwrite -co tiled=yes
> Even
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com
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