Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jun 10 09:50:23 PDT 2020

On mercredi 10 juin 2020 08:16:45 CEST Richard wrote:
> Hi GDAL team,
> I was hoping someone could shed some light on my error log. When I try to
> run “clip raster by mask layer” from the GUI in QGIS I get the following in
> the log:
> ERROR 1: The transformation is already "north up" or a transformation
> between pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates cannot be computed for
> /c1d.tif. There is no affine transformation and no GCPs. Specify
> transformation option SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to bypass this check.
> The default CRS is set for the input parameters, and the project is set to
> no projection as I’m working with non cartesian data. I’m trying to figure
> out if this “SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM” is the answer, but I can’t find
> anything about it in the GDAL python API index? I’m thinking that QGIS
> simply isn’t explicitly passing the projection on.

With gdalwarp command line, you can pass this option with the -to switch



Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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