[gdal-dev] GPKG and antimeridian

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Nov 23 04:58:16 PST 2020


> I created a "single raste_table" GPKG image, based on a VRT image :
> It does work. However, the output image is HUGE: all the empty tiles within
> [-179.0° ; +179.0°] are created.
> * Is there a way to tell gdal_translate not to create those useless tiles ?
> * does GPKG format supports "missing tiles" in such case ?

If the input image for the GPKG driver is RGBA, and the alpha channel is at 
constant at 0 for a tile, then the tile is omitted.

> 2nd test:
> I created a two-step GPKG, using the "APPEND_SUBDATASET":
> This GPKG is fine. However, it may be difficult to deal with 2 sub-datasets
> in our use-cases.
> * Would it be possible to update an already existing subdataset ?

You can also just do:

gdalwarp MyImageEast.tif MyImageWest.tif out.gpkg


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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