[gdal-dev] JPEG 2000 change geotransform via Python bindinds Gdal 3.2.0

Bucek, Lubomir lubomir.bucek at eox.at
Wed Nov 25 10:53:38 PST 2020

Dear all,
I did not want to file the following question as an issue, as I am not sure
if I am just not missing anything in configuration, so putting it as a
question here:

I am trying to change the geotransform of a JPEG2000 file and then save
back the content via Python bindings on Ubuntu 20.04 - gdal 3.2.0 (based on
osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-latest -

Following code:
ds = gdal.Open(input_filename, gdal.GA_Update)
ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres = ds.GetGeoTransform()
... do something with geotransform
del ds
Throws me into this exception "USE_SRC_CODESTREAM=YES specified, but no
codestream found":

How does this creationOption by default being False according to
https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/jp2openjpeg.html#creation-options come into
play while opening and saving an already existing file?
Using a workaround by saving the ds to a .vrt by gdal.Warp('output.vrt',ds)
works fine for me. I was just curious if I can disable the
USE_SRC_CODESTREAM after opening the JPEG2000 anyhow?

Thank you,
Best regards,

*Lubomir Bucek*

Geospatial IT Engineer

EOX IT Services GmbH
1090 Vienna, Thurngasse 8/4, Austria
T +43 (0) 660 369 7514, lubomir.bucek at eox.at <gerhard.triebnig at eox.at>
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