[gdal-dev] Should a custom error handler (in Python) clear the last error?
Daniel Evans
Daniel.Evans at jbarisk.com
Fri Nov 27 07:13:14 PST 2020
In the Python bindings, after calling `gdal.UseExceptions()` trying something like an out-of-range raster read will raise an error like:
[ ... traceback ... ]
File "/home/jbanorthwest.co.uk/danielevans/venvs/farmcat3/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/gdal_array.py", line 246, in _RaiseException
raise RuntimeError(gdal.GetLastErrorMsg())
RuntimeErrorRuntimeError: /data/gfm/maps/FLRF_Q100.vrt, band 1: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(1,123456789) of size 1x1 on raster of 1296001x507215.
It is possible to set a custom error handler to determine how log messages should be recorded. For example, to silence all logging:
Or to point to a custom Python error handling function:
This does not affect the act exceptions being raised. However, GDAL no longer shows the last error message:
File "/home/jbanorthwest.co.uk/danielevans/venvs/farmcat3/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/gdal_array.py", line 246, in _RaiseException
raise RuntimeError(gdal.GetLastErrorMsg())
This implies that `gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()` is returning nothing, i.e. that the last error has been cleared. However, this seems to be at odds with the C++ documentation for the CPLError() function, which states that:
Regardless of how application error handlers or the default error handler choose to handle an error, the error number, and message will be stored for recovery with CPLGetLastErrorNo()<https://gdal.org/doxygen/cpl__error_8h.html#a4a583fe987b8f1a7b2468805578fa8d4> and CPLGetLastErrorMsg()<https://gdal.org/doxygen/cpl__error_8h.html#a7f71ade3bb0a0e9e45802975ec59ff5e>.
Is the error message being cleared incorrectly?
Dr Daniel Evans
Software Developer
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