[gdal-dev] Opening .dt2 datafiles that do not contain geospatial data
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Oct 28 04:16:23 PDT 2020
What does "gdalinfo your.dt2 --debug on" show? Could you share a problematic
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Juliette Behra wrote
> Hello,
> I have got black and white image files saved as .dt2 files which I need to
> open in Python to process some information contained in the image headers.
> I have installed gdal and related modules to use them in Spyder. When I
> used the open function, error 4 shows up (saying that the file does not
> have the right format) and I obtain a NoneType object for the data
> contained in the file. You will find here a screenshot of how the dataset
> looks like when open in Notepad++:
> [ https://pasteboard.co/JxI8QWd.jpg | https://pasteboard.co/JxI8QWd.jpg ]
> Is it because the file does not contain geospatial data that gdal cannot
> open it? If yes, any idea about how I could open such files in Python? If
> gdal should be able to open this kind of files, can you please help me to
> do it?
> Many thanks already for your help and answer.
> Kind regards,
> Juliette
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