[gdal-dev] Accessing a Nitf DES

jovajova24 ejovenitti at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 13:53:58 PDT 2021

Ok thank you very much for your response. I'm so confused now. 
The link you sent me uses objects like:

Which when you download 3.2.1 for Windows, none of the specific NITF objects
headers are included. 

I've been trying to build GDAL all morning, but there's an issue building on
VS 2019 with trying to set the correct version of PROJ >= 6. 

I don't understand why any of the Windows builds I'm find don't have objects
like NITFSegmentInfo .

Is there a complete build of GDAL for windows anywhere, or am i wrong that
you don't need to use NITFSegmentInfo  to parse DES(S)?

Thanks again. 

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