[gdal-dev] Test Data

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 07:12:41 PDT 2021


I'm trying to run autotests and am failing to find data. For instance, I
get the error:

    def test_ogr_arcgen_points():

        ds = ogr.Open('data/arcgen/points.gen')
>       assert ds is not None, 'cannot open dataset'
E       AssertionError: cannot open dataset
E       assert None is not None

I see that this file is in the directory autotest/ogr/data/arcgen

I tried including this directory in GDAL_DATA, but the error persists. My
command line is:

GDAL_DATA=../gdal/data:./ogr pytest ogr/ogr_arcgen.py
Does anyone have information on how to I might resolve this?


Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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