[gdal-dev] Puzzled about gdal_translate return all white image...

Carl Godkin cgodkin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 18:36:07 PDT 2021

I'm very puzzled about why gdal_translate (v. 3.3.1) returns an all-white
image when I select a smaller area than with a working case with a larger

These two command lines are exactly the same except that the failing case
has a smaller area:

gdal_translate "
wms.xml -of WMS

gdal_translate \
    -projwin 524136.39 5229915.17 527111.89 5226499.96 \
    -projwin_srs EPSG:32610 \
    -outsize 2500 0 \
    wms.xml fails.tif

gdal_translate \
    -projwin 517947.80 5235658.96 528189.82 5224344.74 \
    -projwin_srs EPSG:32610 \
    -outsize 2500 0 \
    wms.xml works.tif

Can anyone explain what's going on here and (most likely!) what I'm doing

Thank you very much,

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