[gdal-dev] Access window out of range error with standard utils
Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca
Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca
Thu Dec 9 12:53:02 PST 2021
Thanks Even!
I confirm `gdaladdo infile.ext.msk` is a valid workaround on all the problem files I've encountered it so far (about 7).
From: Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
Sent: December 9, 2021 1:28 PM
To: Matt.Wilkie <Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca>; gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Access window out of range error with standard utils
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fixed per https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/4965<https://imsva91-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fOSGeo%2fgdal%2fpull%2f4965&umid=FBA1B73B-D2BC-7105-950E-C186D8127588&auth=c132af8ee7c9d1278d61a701569070a095ce962e-a9aa93d5efc34217ade976530e4f23ea2fd423a9>
you can likely workaround the issue by running gdaladdo on the .vrt.msk prior to COGification
Le 08/12/2021 à 18:35, Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca<mailto:Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca> a écrit :
Why is gdal off by one for the access window? I'm using standard utilities, no custom code. This is only happening (so far) on one file out of dozens.
$ gdal_translate -co compress=zstd -co predictor=yes -co level=17 ^
-co bigtiff=yes -of cog INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt OUTFILE.tif
Input file size is 31918, 34252
0.ERROR 5: Access window out of range in RasterIO(). Requested
(0,0) of size 250x268 on raster of 249x267.
This is one step of a process where I'm taking two 3-band jpeg-in-geotiff images, defining a nodata mask, and creating a final 4-band cloud geotiff. Preceding steps to this one are:
gdal_translate -b 1 RGB.tif b-red.vrt
gdal_translate -b 2 RGB.tif b-grn.vrt
gdal_translate -b 3 RGB.tif b-blu.vrt
gdal_translate -b 1 432.tif b-nir.vrt
gdalbuildvrt -separate INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt ^
b-red.vrt b-grn.vrt b-blu.vrt b-nir.vrt
gdal_translate INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt xx-to-mask.tif
nearblack -setmask xx-to-mask.tif
move xx-mask.tif.msk INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt.msk
del xx-mask.tif
gdal_translate INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt OUTFILE.tif
(Edited for legibility, options used are left out)
Gdalinfo reports the size of each image are the same:
$ findstr "Size" *.gdal-info
RGB.b-blu.vrt.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
RGB.b-blu.vrt.gdal-info:Pixel Size = (1.500000000000000,-1.500000000000000)
RGB.b-grn.vrt.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
RGB.b-grn.vrt.gdal-info:Pixel Size = (1.500000000000000,-1.500000000000000)
RGB.b-red.vrt.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
RGB.b-red.vrt.gdal-info:Pixel Size = (1.500000000000000,-1.500000000000000)
432.b-nir.vrt.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
432.b-nir.vrt.gdal-info:Pixel Size = (1.500000000000000,-1.500000000000000)
INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt.gdal-info:Pixel Size = (1.500000000000000,-1.500000000000000)
INFILE.rgb-nir.vrt.msk.gdal-info:Size is 31918, 34252
The source VRT and gdalinfo reports are attached.
GDAL 3.3.2, released 2021/09/01 via Qgis 3.22 on Windows 10.
Matt Wilkie
Geomatics Developer & Administrator
Environment | Technology, Innovation and Mapping
T 867-667-8133 | Yukon.ca<http://yukon.ca/>
Hours: 08:30-16:30, Mon-Wed: Office, Thu: Remote, Fri: Away.
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