[gdal-dev] gdalbuildvrt files not recognized

Simon Shak skunkmyrddyn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 14:02:14 PST 2021

I'm working on using the gdal2tiles to convert a mosaic of ECW files into
TMS format.
Since the gdal2tiles command needs a single input file, I'm building VRT's
to use as the input.
I have gotten this to work on ons set of files.  When I do the same
commands for the second set of files, gdalbuildvrt seems confused on how to
handle things.

If I do it straight via commandline as:
for %f in (input\*.ecw) do (gdalbuildvrt output.vrt %f)
I wind up with a VRT with only one of the several hundred files in it.
if I try it using a file list by first:
for %f in (input\*.ecw) do (echo %f >> filelist.txt)
gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list filelist.txt output.vrt
I get a bunch of errors saying:
ERROR 4: `ecw\N39.250W119.500N39.375W119.375.ecw ' not recognized as a
supported file format.
if I do a gdalinfo on the same file, it correctly indicates the file format
and metadata for the file. abd gdalinfo --formats does list ECW as an
installed file format.
I've also compared the gdalinfo between the two input datasets (the one
that worked and the one that doesn't) and they seem comparable.

I've uploaded a sample tile from the working and non-working set:

Any help is appreciated.
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