[gdal-dev] Requesting a transparent image from a WMS server...

Carl Godkin cgodkin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 05:41:54 PST 2021


I'm generating WMS service description files as described here:

This works well, but I wonder if there's a way to request the image from
the WMS server to be transparent.

If I use gdal_translate to create the WMS service description file like

gdal_translate "WMS:
service.xml -of WMS

then I get this:

  <Service name="WMS">

I have discovered that if I slightly edit three lines the service
description like this:


then my output image is transparent if I compare these two output files:

gdal_translate -outsize 512 512 -projwin -119.1 35.4 -119 35.3 service.xml
gdal_translate -outsize 512 512 -projwin -119.1 35.4 -119 35.3
service_trans.xml bakersfield_trans.tif

Are there some options I can use in the first gdal_translate command above
to generate the WMS description file so that
it retrieves transparent images if the server supports transparency?

(I am actually creating the service description file in C++ code using
CreateCopy, but I believe it's easy to prototype with the CLI.)

Thanks very much,

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