[gdal-dev] Finding the Map-Tiles(x, y) in a given Bounding box and zoom level
rajeshreddy82 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 03:54:13 PST 2021
I have map tiles @ different zoom levels 8 to 22 levels. I have a Bounding
box also. How can I calculate the minimum number tile (min tile column, min
tile row) and maximum number tile (max tile column, max tile row) for a
given bounding box and zoom level?
Any sample code?
For Example:
Bounding box
Zoom level: 18
*Expected output at 18th level for a given BBOX:*
Min:Max X= 96262 : 96282 - #of Tiles\Row: XX
Min:Max Y= 66027 : 66047 - #of Tiles\Col: XX
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