[gdal-dev] GDAL fails to read projection with: Unsupported conversion method: Polar_Stereographic
Rousseau Lambert,Louis-Philippe (ECCC)
louis-philippe.rousseaulambert at ec.gc.ca
Wed Jul 28 08:08:19 PDT 2021
I'm trying to read a projection in proj4 string from a NetCDF and gdal /
proj fails to recognize the /*conversion method: Polar_Stereographic*/.
The issue appears with any files in:
example gdalinfo request:
/$ gdalinfo -proj4 input.nc//
//Driver: netCDF/Network Common Data Format//
//*ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_as_proj_string: Unsupported conversion method:
*//*PROJ.4 string is:*//*
//Origin = (-2500.000000000000000,8047500.000000000000000)//
//Pixel Size = (5000.000000000000000,-5000.000000000000000)//
// X_BAND=1//
// X_DATASET=NETCDF:"dd_riops.nc":longitude//
// Y_BAND=1//
// Y_DATASET=NETCDF:"dd_riops.nc":latitude//
//Corner Coordinates://
//Upper Left ( -2500.000, 8047500.000)//
//Lower Left ( -2500.000, -2500.000)//
//Upper Right ( 8847500.000, 8047500.000)//
//Lower Right ( 8847500.000, -2500.000)//
//Center ( 4422500.000, 4022500.000)//
The gdal version I'm getting the error with: GDAL 3.1.3, and PROJ
version: Rel. 7.2.0.
I know this command previsously worked fine, using gdal GDAL 2.4.4 and
proj Rel. 4.8.0 and I was able to get the PROJ4 string: '+proj=stere
+lat_0=90 +lat_ts=59.99993768695209 +lon_0=-100 +k=0.93301243
+x_0=4245000 +y_0=5295000 +a=6371229 +b=6371229 +units=m +no_defs '
Also, if I try to reproject the file in EPSG:4326 with a gdalwarp (GDAL
3.1.3) command, it fails, because it does not read the source srs, but
if I specify it using the -s_srs flag it works fine, example:
|gdalwarp -of NetCDF -s_srs "+proj=stere +lat_0=90
+lat_ts=59.99993768695209 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=4245000 +y_0=5295000
+R=6371229 +units=m +no_defs" -t_srs EPSG:4326 input.nc output.nc|
Is this a bug in gdal / proj, or a parameter in the projection
definition that is not supported anymore ?
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