[gdal-dev] cogger output has no overviews?

Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca Matt.Wilkie at yukon.ca
Tue Jun 8 11:19:17 PDT 2021


I took cogger for a first test drive and I'm confused. I'm relatively new to the world of Cloud Optimized Geotiffs, so I don't know if my confusion is about the COG format itself or cogger:

I fed a jpeg-in-geotiff file with external overviews (tif.ovr) and mask (tif.msk) to cogger. The output contains neither overviews or mask. Is that the expected result?

It's my understanding not having overviews is the rare case, and do that only if you know what you're doing (I don't!). Is there something I should be doing to keep or regenerate the overviews?

Gdalinfo reports for in and output attached. Gdal's validate-cog python script says the output is a valid cog, also attached.


Matt Wilkie
Geomatics Developer & Administrator
Environment | Technology, Innovation and Mapping
T 867-667-8133 | Yukon.ca<http://yukon.ca/>
Hours: 08:30-16:30, Mon-Wed: Office, Thu: Remote, Fri: Away.

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