[gdal-dev] Mosaicing using GDAL Wrap / Translate

lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se
Thu Nov 11 08:13:05 PST 2021


I talked about this at the foss4g 2 years ago and shared a bash script where I do exactly what you are asking for. I don't know if you consider it to be easy, but
the example is this script: https://gist.github.com/LarsSchy/9ecb31eb964dd83820c139b2f2769a7c (https://gist.github.com/LarsSchy/9ecb31eb964dd83820c139b2f2769a7c)

Look at the function: retile_with_mask() in the script. The script is doing other things as well like creating a tile index for Mapserver usage and trimming the tiles from nodata parts.

Have fun / Lars S.
11 november 2021 kl. 15:46, "Lorenzo Di Giacomo" <loridigia at gmail.com (mailto:loridigia at gmail.com?to=%22Lorenzo%20Di%20Giacomo%22%20<loridigia at gmail.com>)> skrev:
Hi, i can't find a simple way (not to choose the cut coordinates manually) in order to crop an entire raster image into N images given a fixed size of pixel, how can this be achieved? Thanks
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