[gdal-dev] How to access remote data that requires authentication?

Joaquim Manuel Freire Luís jluis at ualg.pt
Tue Oct 5 08:11:38 PDT 2021


I've read a lot of the docs, tried many -co options but can't get through this mystery.

I can access the data through GMT, which uses GDAL to do this job, but can't do it with GDAL directly

gdalinfo https://user:pass@lpdaac.earthdata.nasa.gov/lp-prod-protected/HLSS30.015/HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif
ERROR 1: HTTP error code : 401
gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'https://jluis:abaixo0Earthdata@lpdaac.earthdata.nasa.gov/lp-prod-protected/HLSS30.015/HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif'.

So passing longin:password via url does not work either. But it does if indirectly used

grdinfo https://user:pass@lpdaac.earthdata.nasa.gov/lp-prod-protected/HLSS30.015/HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: Title: Grid imported via GDAL
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: Command:
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: Remark:
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: Pixel node registration used [Cartesian grid]
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: Grid file format: gd = Import/export through GDAL
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: x_min: 499980 x_max: 609780 x_inc: 30 name: x n_columns: 3660
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: y_min: 4390200 y_max: 4500000 y_inc: 30 name: y n_rows: 3660
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: v_min: -0.0149 v_max: 0.8833 name: z
HLS.S30.T10TEK.2020273T190109.v1.5.B8A.tif: scale_factor: 0.0001 add_offset: 0 packed z-range: [-149,8833]
+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs

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