[gdal-dev] Issue with resampling algorithm in gdal_array.DatasetReadAsArray python wrapper function

Miguel A. Manso m.manso at upm.es
Wed Feb 9 22:51:12 PST 2022

Dear all

I am trying to use the gdal_array.DatasetReadAsArray function to extract 
a window from a 3B gtif file by indicating the dataset, the upper left 
corner image coordinates, the window size (256x256) at actual scale in 
the dataset, the desired buffer size (larger than actual size 341x341) 
and indicating the resample algorithm.
It only works if I select the NearestNeighbour algorithm. In the rest of 
the cases (Bilinear, bicubic, Lanczos, etc...) what the function returns 
me is a mosaic that repeats 9 times (3x3) the original image in reduced 

What am I doing wrong or what have I interpreted incorrectly in the API?

Thanks & Best regards

Miguel A. Manso

MERCATOR Research Group

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