[gdal-dev] Ogr2ogr issue with big integers

Moises Calzado mcalzado at carto.com
Mon Jul 18 06:54:20 PDT 2022

Hello everyone!

I'm dealing with some issues with ogr2ogr trying to convert my data to a
CSV file guessing the data types. I'm using the following command:

ogr2ogr -f CSV -skipfailures -makevalid /vsistdout/ CSV:test.csv -oo

When I add the AUTODETECT_TYPE=YES flag, ogr2ogr is applying some weird
transformations on the "uprn" column. If you check the generated output and
the original file, you'll notice that some integers have changed into a
negative number. Do you know if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a

Thanks so much for your help,

*Moises Calzado*

Support Engineer

(US) +1 917 463 3232 | (ES) +34 911 165 823 | mcalzado at carto.com
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