[gdal-dev] LUT not available in metadata for the PNEO support

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jul 20 11:07:08 PDT 2022

> Currently, I'm integrated the PNEO support in the Orfeo Tool Box.
> Is there a plan to support LUT metadata for PNEO sensor?

The plan in open source software is most often drawn by people in need 
for a feature :-) That would be a good contribution if you want to 
tackle that.

GDAL has the concepts of ColorTable attached to a RasterBand, or 
RasterAttributeTable (RAT), but from what I can see in the PNEO LUT XML 
files, not all input values are defined for compactness, just the points 
that define the curve, so they don't seem to be good fit here. Probably 
that exposing the content of the <LUT> XML element as a LUT metadata 
item on the relevant RasterBand could be a good solution.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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