[gdal-dev] crunch lib

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Mar 6 10:31:44 PST 2022

Can you be more explicit of what does not work exactly ?

- I've just tried https://github.com/DaemonEngine/crunch and it does 
build, but doesn't install headers or a library file, so can't be easily 
used by GDAL

- I've just tried successfully the build instructions at 
https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/dds.html#build-crunch (for Linux), and 
then managed to build GDAL against it with "cmake .. 


Le 04/03/2022 à 01:48, chris english a écrit :
> https://github.com/DaemonEngine/crunch
> appears to be a better source to point to for crunch, as it builds, 
> whereas crunch link in docs doesn't.
> And builds for the hapless, as I believe I've demonstrated.
> Chris
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