[gdal-dev] CMAKE poppler c++17

chris english englishchristophera at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 13:17:26 PST 2022

I will follow your lead locally and comment out the GCC version check as
MrSid is useful, and perhaps Maintainer to Maintainer
would have more effect over at LizardTech. And apologies for inflicting
this on your work email threads.

I noted a desire to get feedback in anticipation of the CMAKE
transition/requirement, and these are one person's prat falls.
Halfway through a python .so testing now (hadn't given much thought to 'Do
I have a python .so?' as I've been building gdal since 1.10.1,
and all gdal tools have worked- so what? me worry?).

I think the -DODs transition could be a little smoother as it creates a
head scratch, what to do about dap and netcdf, and am a little discouraged
by the -D use deprecated approach as it seems =NO, rather than =YES,
doesn't unentangle DODS from dap and netcdf, but don't anticipate needing
them again for a little while so will see how it develops.

Anyway, at the end, I hope to both be successful, note the things one must
be mindful of in anticipation of using cmake (like having a python.so &
etc), as this has really forced me to come to grips with cmake, and why it
would be advantageous both to users as maintainers.

Thanks again for the MrSid tip.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2022 at 1:42 PM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> | Thereafter, MrSid driver cratered on some 2004 Lizardtech defines in
> lt_platform.h that defined possible GCC compilers topping out at <= 5
> (rather than a future unimaginable 9 or 12). Removing a desire for MrSid,
> in this instance through ccmake,
> That's completely unrelated to building GDAL through autoconf or cmake.
> This is an issue with the LizardTech SDK that indeed remains stuck to
> ancient GCC versions
> I see I locally patched line 40 of lt_platform.h to remove the GCC version
> check, and then things go flawlessly
> #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)) // && (3 <= __GNUC__ &&
> __GNUC__ <= 5)
> I've just tried to submit this issue to their support service.
> Even
> -- http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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