[gdal-dev] GDAL 3.4.2 RC2 available

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Mar 9 12:02:01 PST 2022

Le 09/03/2022 à 20:53, Jeff McKenna a écrit :
> Thanks Even.  RC2 works well on Windows in the MS4W build environment. 
> The only issue was that I had to re-apply the patch for Poppler 22.x 
> (this is the known issue of course, that is well discussed 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2022-March/055529.html )

Which patch did you need re-apply ? The ones of master are normally 
included in 3.4.2 : 
.  But for nmake based builds, you perhaps need to add a /std:c++17 
switch to the POPPLER_CFLAGS variable (PS: the benefit of the CMake 
based builds where a single CMake command can be used to bump to c++17 
for all platforms is obvious here)


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