[gdal-dev] Linux - bash script - Sentinel 1 processing - dark images

Stefan Gofferje lists at home.gofferje.net
Tue May 10 00:54:00 PDT 2022


On 5/10/22 09:09, Andreas Oxenstierna wrote:
> I assume the main issue is that Sentinel-1 is radar data in different 
> polarisations - which is not easy to visualise as an ”image" for human eyes

There are some widely used visualization models for the SAR data. The 
one I'm using in my combo picture is Red: VV, Green: VH, Blue: VV/VH. 
Here is a very good explanation of the purpose and how to read it: 


  (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT, MCP, CCSA
  //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
  V_/_  https://www.gofferje.net   | https://www.saakeskus.fi

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