[gdal-dev] Ogr2ogr: disk I/O errors on external hard drive

Schmetzer, Tobias Tobias.Schmetzer at zae-bayern.de
Fri May 20 04:28:15 PDT 2022


I get a lot of disk I/O errors using exec commands like:
"C:\OSGeo4W\bin\ogr2ogr -f gpkg E:\OSM\vektor_gpkg\Kontinente\europe-latest.osm.noAuthor_-44-46.gpkg E:\OSM\Kontinente\europe-latest.osm.noAuthor_-44-46.pbf multipolygons -select "name,aeroway,amenity,building,historic,landuse,office,tourism,shop,landuse" -where @ogr2ogr_condition.txt"

The error message is very generic. The external hard drive is of good quality and brand new formatted with NTFS so I wouldn't think of a damaged HDD.
Sometimes I did simultaneous processing with ogr2ogr but never with the same source or output files.

I had set up a temporary directory on a large external hard drive that is connected via USB3 using "set temp=E:\OSM\temp" to cover for very large temporary files during ogr2ogr osm processing.
Might the reason be that during processing the algorithm outputs data faster than the external HDD is able to write it so I shouldn't set the external HDD as a temp directory?

These are the errors that occurred:

ERROR 1: failed to execute insert : disk I/O error
ERROR 1: Unable to write feature 617369107 from layer multipolygons.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer multipolygons (use -skipfailures to skip errors)
ERROR 1: sqlite3_exec(CREATE TABLE gpkg_extensions (table_name TEXT,column_name TEXT,extension_name TEXT NOT NULL,definition TEXT NOT NULL,scope TEXT NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT ge_tce UNIQUE (table_name, column_name, extension_name))) failed: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: sqlite3_exec(UPDATE gpkg_contents SET min_x = -31.2625834, min_y = 32.6335129, max_x = 46.66876959999999, max_y = 45.99999699999999 WHERE lower(table_name) = lower('multipolygons') AND Lower(data_type) = 'features') failed: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: sqlite3_exec(UPDATE gpkg_contents SET last_change = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ','now') WHERE lower(table_name) = lower('multipolygons')) failed: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: sqlite3_exec(ROLLBACK) failed: cannot rollback - no transaction is active

ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255009
ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255010
ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255011
ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255020
ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255044
ERROR 1: Cannot read node 5100255045

0...10...20...30...40...50...60.ERROR 1: Failed inserting way 11064599: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: Failed inserting way 11064601: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: Failed inserting way 11064602: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: Failed inserting way 11064603: disk I/O error
ERROR 1: Failed inserting way 11064605: disk I/O error

Any ideas?

Regards, Tobias Schmetzer

ZAE Bayern
Tobias Schmetzer, Dipl. Ing.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Systementwicklung | Scientific Staff Member Systems Engineering
Bereich Energiespeicherung| Division Energy Storage

Walther-Meißner-Str. 6
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Tel.: +49 89 329442-65
Fax: +49 89 329442-12
tobias.schmetzer at zae-bayern.de<mailto:tobias.schmetzer at zae-bayern.de>

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