[gdal-dev] Error when trying to build Docker Images
Dirk Stenger
stenger at lat-lon.de
Wed Feb 15 02:51:45 PST 2023
Thanks for all the help. Now, the build of ubuntu-full also works.
The reason that I am trying to build it is that I need a Debian GDAL Image.
Unfortunately, the command which is derived from the readme, leads to an
~/git/gdal/docker$ BASE_IMAGE="debian:11" ubuntu-full/build.sh --platform linux/amd64 --gdal v3.5.0
E: Package'libmysqlclient-dev' has no installation candidate
The command'/bin/sh -c . /buildscripts/bh-set-envvars.sh && apt-get update -y
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --fix-missing
--no-install-recommends libopenjp2-7-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libcairo2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} python3-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
python3-numpy${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} python3-setuptools${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libpng-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libjpeg-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libgif-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} liblzma-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libgeos-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} curl libxml2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libexpat-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libxerces-c-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libnetcdf-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libpoppler-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
librasterlite2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} swig ant
libhdf4-alt-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libhdf5-serial-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libfreexl-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} unixodbc-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
mdbtools-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libwebp-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
liblcms2-2 libpcre3-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libcrypto++-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libfyba-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libkml-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libmysqlclient-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libogdi-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libcfitsio-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libzstd-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libpq-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libssl-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libboost-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
autoconf automake bash-completion libarmadillo-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libopenexr-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libheif-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libdeflate-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libblosc-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
liblz4-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libbz2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}
libarchive-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*' returned a non-zero code: 100
I assume that is the case because the Dockerfile references Ubuntu apt
Is there currently a way to build Debian based Images or do I have to
adjust the apt repos in the Dockerfile?
Kind regards,
Am 14.02.23 um 23:53 schrieb Even Rouault:
> Le 14/02/2023 à 23:45, Dirk Stenger a écrit :
>> Thank you for the help.
>> Your proposed solution works for ubuntu-small.
>> However, when I am trying to build ubuntu-full, I get a new error:
> Did you "git pull" to get the latest state of the repository ? The
> error you get might come from the fact that you run a Docker build
> based on an outdated recipee which drags the new state of master, as
> the Docker build scripts do not use the GDAL sources of the working
> copy but from the latest master (yeah, quite unusual). There has been
> an update regarding pdfium beginning of December.
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