[gdal-dev] Error when trying to build Docker Images

Laurențiu Nicola lnicola at dend.ro
Wed Feb 15 02:59:06 PST 2023


I think libmysqlclient-dev is called default-libmysqlclient-dev on Debian. Unfortunately, you might have to experiment a little with the package names and repository lists.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2023, at 12:51, Dirk Stenger wrote:
> Thanks for all the help. Now, the build of ubuntu-full also works.
> The reason that I am trying to build it is that I need a Debian GDAL Image.
> Unfortunately, the command which is derived from the readme, leads to an error:
> ~/git/gdal/docker$ BASE_IMAGE="debian:11" ubuntu-full/build.sh --platform linux/amd64 --gdal v3.5.0
> ...
> E: Package 'libmysqlclient-dev' has no installation candidate
> The command '/bin/sh -c . /buildscripts/bh-set-envvars.sh     && apt-get update -y     && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --fix-missing --no-install-recommends        libopenjp2-7-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libcairo2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        python3-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} python3-numpy${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} python3-setuptools${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libpng-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libjpeg-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libgif-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} liblzma-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libgeos-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        curl libxml2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libexpat-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libxerces-c-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libnetcdf-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libpoppler-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libpoppler-private-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libspatialite-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} librasterlite2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} swig ant libhdf4-alt-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libhdf5-serial-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libfreexl-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} unixodbc-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}  mdbtools-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libwebp-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        liblcms2-2 libpcre3-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libcrypto++-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libfyba-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libkml-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libmysqlclient-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libogdi-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libcfitsio-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} openjdk-"$JAVA_VERSION"-jdk${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libzstd-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libpq-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libssl-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libboost-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        autoconf automake bash-completion libarmadillo-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libopenexr-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libheif-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libdeflate-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libblosc-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} liblz4-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX} libbz2-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libbrotli-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}        libarchive-dev${APT_ARCH_SUFFIX}     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*' returned a non-zero code: 100
> I assume that is the case because the Dockerfile references Ubuntu apt repos?
> Is there currently a way to build Debian based Images or do I have to adjust the apt repos in the Dockerfile?
> Kind regards,
> Dirk
> Am 14.02.23 um 23:53 schrieb Even Rouault:
>> Le 14/02/2023 à 23:45, Dirk Stenger a écrit :
>>> Thank you for the help. 
>>> Your proposed solution works for ubuntu-small. 
>>> However, when I am trying to build ubuntu-full, I get a new error:
>> Did you "git pull" to get the latest state of the repository ? The error you get might come from the fact that you run a Docker build based on an outdated recipee which drags the new state of master, as the Docker build scripts do not use the GDAL sources of the working copy but from the latest master (yeah, quite unusual). There has been an update regarding pdfium beginning of December.
> -- 
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