[gdal-dev] Reading s57 charts with GDAL

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Mon Jan 30 22:36:26 PST 2023

On Monday, 30 January 2023 10:31:47 PM AEDT Aryan Landi wrote:
> Hi again,
> Not sure what you mean by “support files”.
There are two support files that translate vectors - see the documentation.


> The command line tool returns:
> ERROR 4: `US5LA26M.000' not recognized as a supported file format.
> gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'US5LA26M.000
As others have pointed out, that is expected.

I can say that:

#include "ogrsf_frmts.h"

int main()


  GDALDataset *poDS;

  poDS = (GDALDataset *)GDALOpenEx("ENC_ROOT/US2EC03M/US2EC03M.000",
                                   GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (poDS == NULL) {
    printf("Open failed.\n");

results in "loaded" on my machine.

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