[gdal-dev] Integration of GDAL 3.5 into a custom Docker Image

Dirk Stenger stenger at lat-lon.de
Mon May 8 08:56:55 PDT 2023

Dear GDAL community,

We try to integrate GDAL 3.5 into a Debian 11 Docker Image to use it 
with the OSGeo project deegree.

For that, we created a fork of the GDAL project [1], copied the 
ubuntu-full configuration of the release/3.5 branch, modified it to use 
Debian 11 and pushed it to the fork. You can find the results here: [2]
In a next step, we are trying to build debian-full with our Jenkins and 
to integrate the resulting image into our Debian 11 Docker Image with 

However, the build is still not successful and fails with following 
message (I already posted this a couple of weeks ago):

/[91mrsync: [sender] change_dir "lat-lon/gdal:debian-full/proj/x86_64" 
(in gdal-docker-cache) failed: No such file or directory (2)//
//[0m[91mrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see 
previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1819) [Receiver=3.2.3]//
//[0m[91mrsync: [Receiver] read error: Connection reset by peer (104)//
//[0mThe command '/bin/sh -c . /buildscripts/bh-set-envvars.sh     && 
DESTDIR=/build_tmp_proj /buildscripts/bh-proj.sh      && 
/build_tmp_proj/usr/local/bin/projsync --target-dir /tmp/proj_grids 
--all      && rm -rf /build_tmp_proj' returned a non-zero code: 23/

This leads us to several questions:

- Is this a good way to integrate a custom GDAL version into a third 
party project while using Docker? Are there alternative approaches?
- Are any other (e.g. OSGeo) projects trying to implement a similar 
workflow? If yes, did you also encounter problems? If not, how did you 
exactly integrate GDAL into your custom Dockerfile?
- How long will GDAL 3.5 be supported? I did not find any maintenance 
schedule on the website.
- Is the Docker build of release/3.5 branch still maintained or could it 
happen that e.g. a remote resource disappears meaning that the build 
does not work anymore?

Also, we can offer to provide our results to the open source project 
GDAL which might help others as well.

Best regards,
Dirk Stenger

[1] https://github.com/lat-lon/gdal/tree/release/3.5-debian11
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