[gdal-dev] Help with overlapping images in tiles generated by gdal2tiles.py

Rodriguez, Jose M CTR (USA) jose.m.rodriguez220.ctr at us.navy.mil
Wed Dec 4 08:14:07 PST 2024


I have been using GDAL to process a large collection of images of the Moon with the ultimate goal of generating a tile set for use in CesiumJS.

I use gdalbuildvrt to build of virtual mosaic of the images in question and then use gdal2tiles.py to generate the tile set. All these steps work and I have a working tile set of the Moon. But I am not happy with one result: the edges of the images, when zoomed in, can easily be seen as darker pixels (for images that overlap).

I have tried different values for the --resampling parameter of gdal2tiles.py and the -resolution parameter of gdalbuildvrt with no effect. Am I missing something that could help here? Any suggestions on how can this be addressed?

(Also is there a recommended way to attaching images to this list? If I attach a small screen capture to this email what happens?)

Jose Rodriguez
jose.m.rodriguez220.ctr at us.navy.mil<mailto:jose.m.rodriguez220.ctr at us.navy.mil>

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