[gdal-dev] Help with overlapping images in tiles generated by gdal2tiles.py

Laurențiu Nicola lnicola at dend.ro
Wed Dec 4 09:58:13 PST 2024

Hi Jose,

I'm not sure if this is happening in your case, but I've seen something similar with rotated rasters that used 0 or a negative value for the outside pixels. If you're doing interpolation or reprojection, those values will be used in the computation and affect neighboring pixels. But if you set the nodata value on the inputs, GDAL will (usually?) mask out those pixels so they don't affect the output.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2024, at 18:14, Rodriguez, Jose M CTR (USA) via gdal-dev wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using GDAL to process a large collection of images of the Moon with the ultimate goal of generating a tile set for use in CesiumJS.
> I use gdalbuildvrt to build of virtual mosaic of the images in question and then use gdal2tiles.py to generate the tile set. All these steps work and I have a working tile set of the Moon. But I am not happy with one result: the edges of the images, when zoomed in, can easily be seen as darker pixels (for images that overlap).
> I have tried different values for the --resampling parameter of gdal2tiles.py and the -resolution parameter of gdalbuildvrt with no effect. Am I missing something that could help here? Any suggestions on how can this be addressed?
> (Also is there a recommended way to attaching images to this list? If I attach a small screen capture to this email what happens?)
> VR
> Jose Rodriguez
> jose.m.rodriguez220.ctr at us.navy.mil
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