[gdal-dev] Install GDAL with gdal_ls available in PATH

Abdul Raheem Siddiqui abdulraheemsiddiqui at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 13:00:46 PST 2024

Thanks for insights. I will try the lukeroth/gdal repo.

On Thu, Dec 12, 2024, 4:58 PM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> Abul,
> gdal_ls.py is a non officially promoted script that isn't installed with
> GDAL. Your best luck is just to fetch it from
> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/master/swig/python/gdal-utils/osgeo_utils/samples/gdal_ls.py
> , ship it with your program, and directly points at it.  It obviously
> requires users to have the GDAL Python bindings installed.
> Your other alternative could be to "port" it to Go using Go bindings, but
> I don't know much about the distribution story of go bindings, so don't ask
> me more about that part. I see that lukeroth/gdal has VSIReadDirRecursive()
> which is essentially what you need:
> https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Alukeroth%2Fgdal%20VSIReadDir&type=code
> Even
> Le 12/12/2024 à 21:23, Abdul Raheem Siddiqui via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am developing a compiled program in Golang that calls GDAL through
> subprocess calls. In one of the program's features that I am developing, I
> want to call *gdal_ls*. However, I see that gdal_ls is not available in
> PATH by default and hence can't be called directly in a terminal without
> specifying the full path or moving `gdal_ls.py` script to the path.
> My program will be shipped as a binary, and GDAL is expected to be
> available on the machine where the binary is executed. This has worked well
> so far but now that I want to call *gdal_ls *in the new feature, the new
> feature will not work out of the box.
> Is there a way to install GDAL with gdal_ls available in Path (so that I
> can ask my users to do this) or is there a better solution for my problem?
> Thanks,
> Abdul Siddiqui
> ERT Corp.
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> Butcher of all kinds of standards, open or closed formats. At the end, this is just about bytes.
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