[gdal-dev] gdal2xyz

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jun 11 12:31:06 PDT 2024

Le 11/06/2024 à 21:22, Andrew Bell via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hi,
> The documentation describes an application `gdal2xyz`, but I don't see 
> one built in my development environment. I also don't see anything in 
> the CMakeLists.txt that refers to it. Is it named something I'm not 
> expecting? Does it still exist?

Yes, it still exists. This is a Python utility. In your build 
environment, if you source scripts/setdevenv.sh, your path will include 
$build_dir/swig/python/gdal-utils/scripts where you can find it. There, 
it will be available only with the .py extension. It is also available 
without the .py extension through a launcher script if you install the 
gdal or gdal-utils packages (with make install).

My software is free, but my time generally not.
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