[gdal-dev] 2024 GDAL Users Survey

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Wed Oct 30 06:21:56 PDT 2024


The first ever GDAL Users Survey is now open for feedback at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMXygtDb5M0Ov0KK0u2wKkev1rMqAjRdTlwMeCl7Z1TGJTLw/viewform  The survey is an attempt to provide structured guidance for the maintenance program to focus its efforts in the coming year. It will close on November 11th. Please help us by contributing and widely circulating it.

As with all surveys, it is susceptible to bias by the audience that shows up to answer. As of right now, there are only ~290 responses with nearly 70% of them saying they are Linux and OSX users. To my eye, that means our respondent pool is strongly tilted toward power users and developers, as I would expect a much larger mix of Windows users. For background, there are ~2500 mailing list subscribers, so please consider this a nag to go fill it out and help guide our efforts in the next year.


🤔, I guess I'll need to work on some user validation stuff for the next survey...

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