[gdal-dev] Do ECW Auto tests get run via any automatic workflow?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Feb 3 07:10:01 PST 2025
Le 03/02/2025 à 14:37, Daniel Baston via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hi Parveen,
> test_ecw_7 is run (successfully) in the Ubuntu 20.04 configuration:
> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/actions/runs/13092743556/job/36531334565#step:18:4258
> I'm pretty sure this is the only workflow that has ECW available. Some
> ECW tests are still skipped because they require a newer version of
> the ECW SDK than is available in the test container.
your remark exactly intersects my ask for SDKs that could be downloaded
from our CI. Tests are currently limited to libecw 3.3 which was the
last one under a kind-of open license.
My software is free, but my time generally not.
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