[gdal-dev] Opening STACIT failure if there is any connection error to one file

Michael Smith michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 05:42:41 PST 2025

When opening a stac json file of multiple tiles, I’ll occasionally get a random error on one of the tiles like (probably due to government network issues). 


RuntimeError at /stac/featcollections/158703/items/vrt

Cannot open /vsicurl/https://grid.nga.mil/grid/api/file/stream/random_file_reference.tif?access_token=xxxxxx to retrieve band characteristics


And the whole stac feature collection read fails, rather than just the one tile that fails to read. Is there any way to not have the whole read fail and just ignore the one tile failure as an option (or retry)?






Michael Smith

Remote Sensing/GIS Center

US Army Corps of Engineers




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