[OSGeodata] Tie-in to Education Committee
Ned Horning
nedh at lightlink.com
Thu Apr 13 11:56:49 EDT 2006
What kind of global dataset are you wishing for? I think I'm missing the
point because when I want a dataset for a tutorial or something I think
about the point(s) I want to get across and then I go get some data. There
are lots of great data sources out there and many are free. In my mind
generating datasets is relatively easy (as long as the data I want is
accessible) so clearly I'm missing something. For me the hard part is
figuring out what I want to illustrate.
I wouldn't be surprised if we put together some dataset descriptions (I
can't think of a single "ideal" data set) that we would find many already
exist and can be freely used. Those that don't exist can be assembled
easily. Would it make sense to create a wish list of assorted tutorial
datasets? If I could better understand what people want I think I'd better
understand the problem and might have some ideas.
For global data a canned dataset is sometimes less than ideal because people
(especially kids) will want to see detail in their own community. This can
be accomplished but not easily with a canned dataset.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at shaw.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:03 AM
> To: geodata at geodata.osgeo.org
> Cc: discuss at edu.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OSGeodata] Tie-in to Education Committee
> Hi geodata committee,
> The education committee just had its first meeting. It was good - one
area of
> focus that came up was to create a common data package that we will be
> to use for tutorial/courses, etc. This is a good place for us to
> cross-collaborate. I just mention it in case some of you wanted to sign
> to the discuss at edu.osgeo.org list and participate in this little "Data
> Package Working Group":
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Education_Working_Groups
> We're barely getting started but just wanted to mention it to you in your
> interested. Are there direct tie-ins to any efforts/plans the Geodata
> groups has been discussing?
> Wouldn't it be great if we could create a useful (e.g. global) dataset
> all projects could use as a tutorial set to demonstrate their tools?
> my hope anyway.
> Take care,
> Tyler
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