Tie-in to Education Committee

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Apr 13 11:02:37 EDT 2006

Hi geodata committee,
The education committee just had its first meeting.  It was good - one area of 
focus that came up was to create a common data package that we will be able 
to use for tutorial/courses, etc.  This is a good place for us to 
cross-collaborate.  I just mention it in case some of you wanted to sign up 
to the discuss at edu.osgeo.org list and participate in this little "Data 
Package Working Group":

We're barely getting started but just wanted to mention it to you in your were 
interested.   Are there direct tie-ins to any efforts/plans the Geodata 
groups has been discussing?  

Wouldn't it be great if we could create a useful (e.g. global) dataset that 
all projects could use as a tutorial set to demonstrate their tools?  That's 
my hope anyway. 

Take care,

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