Fw: RE: How to get involved with the Drafting Team activity for metadata in INSPIRE?
Jo Walsh
jo at frot.org
Fri Dec 15 05:41:23 EST 2006
dear all,
In a fit of enthusiasm I wrote to a friend of a friend at the JRC
offering the involvement of the OSGeo community in consulting on the
the implementing rules for metadata / discovery in the INSPIRE
Directive - a series of "Drafting Teams" are doing the work over the
next few weeks and months.
The response here seems very positive, specifically asks for proposals
for open source implementations, JRC already talking to gvSIG.
When we find out more this will come here and also to Markus' FOSS
INSPIRE interest committee or SDIC as it is known.
It would be just great if those here and in the GeoNetwork community
could help prepare a response and dream up really useful things to do
with gvSIG / uDIG catalog clients... I bumped into this old post of
Jeroen's a couple of times today about metadata semi-automation:
----- Forwarded message from Alessandro Annoni <alessandro.annoni at jrc.it> -----
From: "Alessandro Annoni" <alessandro.annoni at jrc.it>
To: "'Jo Walsh'" <jowalsh at osgeo.org>
Cc: "'Massimo CRAGLIA'" <massimo.craglia at jrc.it>
Subject: RE: How to get involved with the Drafting Team activity for metadata in INSPIRE?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:50:04 +0100
Dear Jo,
Thanks for your mail. Your contribution and that of the Open Source movement
would indeed be very valuable for the implementation of INSPIRE across
Europe. The Drafting Team on Metadata is now completing a first draft of the
Implementing Rules which will be sent to review to all SDICs and LMS as soon
as the official agreed text of the Directive is released. The DT has tried
to keep as light a touch as possible i.e. focus on discovery metadata so
that more detailed descriptions are not mandated by the INSPIRE but are left
to each thematic community based on current practices and international
standards. Your contribution would be most effective in commenting on the
proposal, and in particular in suggesting ways in which it could be
implemented through Open Source software and components. If you, and your
colleagues, could do this at an early stage of the consultation, it would
make a potentially big contribution to the reflection of all SDICS and LMOS
in respect to the feasibility and likely costs/benefit of the solution
proposed. In this line, we are also in contact with the gvSIG group to see
how they could also propose solutions based on Open software.
If you agree with this approach, I will make sure that you and Markus
receive copy of the draft IR as soon as the consultation is launched.
For any further clarification please contact Max Craglia (in copy) who is
coordinating on Metadata
Thanks again for your offer to help.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Walsh [mailto:jowalsh at osgeo.org]
Sent: mercoledì 13 dicembre 2006 21.37
To: alessandro.annoni at jrc.it
Subject: How to get involved with the Drafting Team activity for metadata in
dear Alessandro,
Roger Longhorn gave me your contact details after I expressed interest
in engaging with the INSPIRE drafting team activities, in particular
the one for geospatial metadata.
In the past I have written quite a lot objecting to the framing of
INSPIRE in copyright terms, presenting the case for better public
access to data. But now INSPIRE exists I want to offer the help of the
open source geospatial community in assisting where there is
expertise available, in making the results of the INSPIRE
infrastructure as useful and widely implementable as they can be.
I am chairing the Public Geospatial Data Committee of OSGeo, the Open
Source Geospatial Foundation, which now hosts the GeoNetwork metadata
management project originated by the UN FAO. There is a lot of
collective expertise amongst the membership of the foundation. There
is a Free and Open Source Software SDIC that was started by Markus
Neteler of OSGeo, and I wonder whether this would be an appropriate
vehicle to get more insight into, and be able to help with, the
process of the metadata drafting team.
http://space.frot.org/talks/2006/rosa/ contains slides for a talk I
gave yesterday at an INSPIRE awareness and preparation conference
organised by the Romanian Space Agency, about the Foundation and the
potential relevance of some of the work its member projects are doing.
Any pointers you could provide would be much appreciated,
----- End forwarded message -----
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