[Geodata] meeting narrative

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org
Thu Jun 14 18:42:39 EDT 2007

Dear all,

We're working on packaging data and metadata that than can be  
directly imported in e.g. a GeoNetwork catalog. We've defined a  
packaging format, very light weight, that contains some meta-meta  
information, the actual metadata, preview images, basic privileges  
and possibly also the data itself. We named it the MEF format  
(Metadata Exchange Format), but it really just is a zip file.

In GeoNetwork we have added import/export routines for this format.

We're developing a plug in for ESRI ArcCatalog that generates the  
format and we also discussed with the gvSIG developers who will most  
likely also add support for it.

We're also discussing with the gvSIG folks to develop a bot that will  
search a directory, generate metadata and create MEF files that can  
than be harvested by GN.

The format is not the solution to everything, but for our cases it  
works. It's been described in our documentation and we're open to  
further improve/extent it.

Maybe something to consider for the data dump bucket!?

Here's a link to the document describing MEF in chapter 3:


On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:03 PM, Jo Walsh wrote:

> dear all,
> FOSS4G2007 Geodata
> ------------------
> David Bitner has this idea worked out - to collect, host and
> redistribute packages of local Canadian geodata for FOSS4G.
> Datasets and services can be publicised to conference presenters and
> demo'ers. He kindly volunteered to talk with the conference committee
> about this - especially about connecting up to the many local-level
> data providing agencies who will have a presence at the conference.
> Data holders should be able to submit their own metadata and service
> information. A repository can be hosted at telascience, it would be
> great to have at least one more local node. Can this also fit with
> refractions' existing data hosting efforts?
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Canadian_Geodata - a few quick notes
> in here - will link to data collecting interfaces as available
> Data Dump-Bucket
> ----------------
> A nice suggested event at FOSS4G is to have a "data dump-bucket".
> where people with very large data sets they want to share or have
> distributedly archived can bring big hard drives full of data and
> big empty hard drives. This would be a nice theme to have for a BoF
> session too. Imagine the fun at Customs this could cause.
> Landsat Imagery
> ---------------
> John Graham filled us in on some of the ongoing effort to produce a
> new improved global Landsat mosaic for free and open reuse.
> He reckons it possible to do in a day given the distributed processing
> resources available to connect to! This would be amazing to see
> and i look forward to hearing updates about it.
> We didn't talk about the status of data being collected on
> hypersphere/hypercube systems at telascience, not the right subset of
> people and i think not much has changed recently. I want to work
> on a bit of map-driven search UI stuff now i have a bit of spare
> code energy again. It's nice to have a more definite use case in mind
> thinking about a Victoria/Canada specific repository/distribution...
> I made a start at updating the Geodata Commitee web pages as well:
> http://www.osgeo.org/geodata - if anyone wants to contribute please
> either send me patches or talk to the kind people at webcom about
> edit access...
> Sorry for being a bit late to the call / not sending reminder,
> i was all in a rush and having usual network failures ...
> We'll try to meet again in a month to talk specifically about data
> distribution for FOSS4G2007.
> cheers,
> jo
> --
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