[Geodata] Geodata License

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Tue Mar 20 21:01:22 EDT 2007

Ok, I'm in the process of setting up a telecon next monday with the 
Science Commons ED and Counsel.  They're updating their 'database faq' - 
http://sciencecommons.org/resources/faq/databases.html - which is where 
CC focuses on how to license data.

If anyone has questions about what CC thinks their licenses mean for 
geodata let me know.  And if anyone is interested in jumping on the call 
let me know and we can probably make it happen.  I think we can ask them 
lots of geodata questions and those will then feed in to their FAQs.

best regards,


Chris Holmes wrote:
>>> I don't know if it's strong enough or may cause problems of any kind 
>>> to data access or usage.
>> Richard Fairhurst's classic blog entry on "ShareAlike considered
>> harmful" and the commentary on it is worth looking at. 
>> http://www.systemed.net/blog/entry060311122655.html Some of his more 
>> recent "gonzo legal" research...
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Case_law
> Interesting, I'd not read that blog post before.  When I talked to the 
> CC science people they actually had a different interpretation for SA on 
> top of other mapping layers.  They said that the commercial licenses of 
> the other pieces some how take precedence, and thus it means you can 
> overlay SA data on top of it.  This is inspiring me to follow up with 
> them, who knows if anything will come of it.
> But I went with CC SA-BY for my data, and I'm fine with people putting 
> it on top of other layers.  I do agree that NC is a bit much - it 
> doesn't gain you a lot and many people aren't sure if it will actually 
> hold up in court.
> Chris
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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