[Geodata] Geodata License

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Mar 21 10:19:31 EDT 2007

> If anyone has questions about what CC thinks their licenses mean for 
> geodata let me know.  

first question should be related to the "ShareAlike considered harmful 
for geodata":

- Any map produced using ShareAlike geodata may not contain any 
commercial data. If you can't produce your entire map using ShareAlike 
geodata, you must not use it at all.

-Such a website, again, may not contain any non-ShareAlike/public domain 
(PD) data.

I've not the same opinion but it's my 2 cents...

Any kind of official public recommendations for Administrative Entities 
under the Inspire umbrella would be very interesting to avoid fancy 
license proliferation from one side and to let them feel safer (more 
granted?!?) from the other.
I know it should be a set of licenses (2-3-4) to better fit the 
differences of approach all around Europe (and not only).
A simple solutions could be a set of user cases adapted to CC licenses 
and applied to geodata.


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