[Geodata] Ok, I'm here . . . (Tiger stuff.)

Mikel Maron, OSM mikel at osmfoundation.org
Tue Jun 24 03:11:32 EDT 2008

<!-- DIV {margin:0px;}-->From: Stephen Frost <sfrost at snowman.net>

> > We have the OpenStreetmap database (whole world) installed in POSTGIS  
> > already, took a few days to just run the index, anyway, it works, and  
> > pretty darn quick, we're not POSTGIS gurus (yet) though, so I'm sure  
> > there is more tuning to be had in the response times
> I believe the OSM data is based on tiger '06se data.  I'm not sure how
> they incorporated it in the end or how hard it would be to update to the
> '07 format though.

in the US was kickstarted with TIGER import from 06. Now it's being
improved and enhanced directly by OSM contributors, and through import
of other data sources. For instance, check out the wind farms and power


we've branched from TIGER, and I wouldn't expect or necessarily want
any automated imports .. it would overwrite the good work of OSM users,
with frankly, poorer quality data. We've seen lots of problems with
TIGER. And actually, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the import went
the other way, from OSM to TIGER, in a few years time.

TIGER was transformed into OSM XML, features mapped onto OSM tags. More details in the wiki.


One thing that could be useful would be diffs between 06 and 07. Mappers could then manually update, as needed. Possible?

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