[Geodata] about OSGeo geodata catalog

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Jun 16 10:38:09 EDT 2009

Hash: SHA1

David William Bitner escribió:
> Jorge,
> There have been several false starts at getting a catalog going for the
> OSGeo GeoData Committee.  The biggest hindrance has been that there has
> been nobody in the group who truly had a need for this catalog that
> could really push them to get it going and to populate it and maintain it.

Well having it configured and available is the first step for us. Let
see what happens.

- From gvSIG perspective, this catalog will be our first place to offer
for our CSW client, and any new geo-resource we detect could be recorded

At OSGeo-ES we've been waiting for this tool because of course is better
to use well known SDI-focused tools than directly the wiki, no matter
what ed parsons say[1] :D

> I think that just about everyone agrees that it would be interesting and
> "a good thing" to have an OSGeo catalog -- the only council I would like
> to give is to make sure that there are enough volunteers who really have
> a committment to get things to happen.  The last push for setting up
> GeoNetwork was being led by Lorenzo Becchi (who I believe is part of
> OSGeo-ex) and Jeroen.  They both, I believe, have access to the
> Telascience servers and hopefully could be coerced into helping orient
> those willing to put the effort in.  We can work with the OSGeo SAC and
> the folks at Telascience on identifying an area on the servers and
> getting the correct permissions set up.

Well Lorenzo at this time is pretty busy but I'm sure he will promote it
in all events he attends :-)

> I look forward to hearing more of your plans!  Please let us know
> whatever we can do to help you out.

Having your support it's what I firstly asked for.

Well, now I suppose we need help to find the geonetwork instance (it's
funny that I can't find a "finding tool") and define a channel to ask
for account on the geonetwork instance (trac tickets at SAC?).

[1] http://twitter.com/edparsons/status/2176645511
- --
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía

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