[Ica-osgeo-labs] Map of ICA-OSGeo Labs

Marco Negretti marco.negretti at polimi.it
Mon Apr 29 01:33:52 PDT 2013

Il 26/04/2013 10:46, Suchith Anand ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> Looking at the doodle poll (Thanks Marco) it looks like May 2nd at 14:00 UTC is the best time for our meeting. 
> Thanks Phil for offering your facility, that is really appreciated. Will it be possible for you to send the url and the basic instructions for teleconference to all in the list, so we can arrange the telemeeting on 2nd May.
> Also please confirm 2nd May 14:00 UTC is fine for you.

I confirm our participation on 2nd May,

Thank you Phil for tecnical support

See you soon


Marco Negretti
Politecnico di Milano
email:  marco.negretti at polimi.it


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