[Geo4All] FOSS4G Early Bird registration - only 3 days left / last seats for the studentship program / Travel Grant program apply opens

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Fri May 6 06:08:09 PDT 2016

Hi Geo4All!

Now that the program for the annual conference free and open source 
software for geospatial (FOSS4G) has been published we can't think of a 
reason NOT to register as soon as possible.

By doing so before the 8th of May (to be honest: 9th of May, 13h CET, 
which is 8th of May 24h in the most western time zone) you keep 160 
euro's in your pocket - that makes a lot of Bratwurst& Beer! But even 
more important, you also gives us, the organisation committee, a good 
insight of who is joining us at the conference in August in Bonn, and 
thus you give us the opportunity to fine-tune the program and its side 
events to fulfil your expectations.
About 300 "early bird" participants already did so. Take them as a good 
example and register now.

Also there are some last seats for our studentship program left! Apply 
by sending an email ASAP to info at foss4g2016.org!

Also since 1st of May applying for our the Travel Grant program opened. 
Find details here

Kind regards,


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