[Geo4All] Website is getting close, who can work on filling empty GeoForAll pages?

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 08:13:47 PDT 2017

Coming out of today's website/rebranding meeting with a couple of action
items with GeoForAll:

   - Action: GeoForAll empty pages, follow up with Helena and GeoForAll list
   - Action: Jody reach out to Helena and check if she (or another member
   of GeoForAll) is whitelisted to work on GeoForAll content

Would anyone be available for a quick review to see what content is empty?
Either on this email thread or via chat... Priority would be to double
check that all the expected website content has been migrated from drupal,
and identify and fill in any placeholder pages.


The second point is to double check that a couple GeoForAll volunteers have
access to write to the website while we wait on SAC hosting. I know they
mentioned Helena by name but we should really have a couple volunteers.
Jody Garnett
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