[geojquery] geojquery core API

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 05:15:54 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I know that designing a good API is hard. Lately I had the idea that we 
could write done use cases of OpenlLayers as pseudo code (user story, or 
whatever) and look what they have in common/what should be made as easy 
as possible. Here's an example one I grabbed quite a long time from the 
IRC channel:

  - Load remote KML file
  - Display it on a map (some custom WMS)
  - Show popups when hovering the features that display the name of the 

This would be one of a beginner. I sure some of you have more difficult 
ones. Though even for this one you need to understand quite a lot about 
OpenLyers already, although it sounds really easy.

What do you think about the idea? How would you start designing the API?


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