[geojquery] Desireable plugin pattern

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 11:19:53 EDT 2010

I've checked in a basic README. Please try again.

On 19.08.2010 17:06, Christian Wygoda wrote:
> Okay, I am the git newbie, have been using SVN mostly for own little
> ugly scripts...
> Gitorious says I can't clone an empty repository. Trying to push
> directly (is this wise?) using Eclipse / EGit causes an error (Transport
> error occured during push operation: invalid id)
> Can someone help?
> Thanks,
>    C
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Marc Jansen <jansen at terrestris.de
> <mailto:jansen at terrestris.de>> wrote:
>     Hi Anne,
>     Please go ahead and commit your code. (I sent a mail yesterday
>     stating the same; but somehow it got lost)
>     Regards,
>     Marc
>     On 18.08.2010 16:12, Anne Blankert wrote:
>           On 7/29/2010 11:30 PM, Volker Mische wrote:
>             Best thing is to read the archive, there are so many ways :)
>             IIRC, my last preferred approach was to have distinction
>             between the map and layers (and perhaps even features). So
>             that you e.g. can bind events to the map, layers and features.
>             As I always say, we are still in flux, please write code if
>             you've the time to and do it the way you like. It's much
>             better to comment on existing things, rather than discussion
>             vaporware to death.
>             Cheers,
>               Volker
>         Where and how shall we start working on plubicly
>         viewable/updatable code in a very flexible manner? The source
>         tree in geojquery still seems to be empty? For a start, there
>         could be a general setup for a JQuery plugin:
>         (function ($) {
>         $.fn.pluginname = function (param1, param2, useroptions)
>         {
>             // set default option values and extend with useroptions
>             options = $.extend( {
>                 option1: "defaultvalue1",
>                 option2: "defaultvalue2",
>                 option3: "defaultvalue3"
>                 }, useroptions || {});
>         }
>         })(jQuery);
>         Some decisions already have to be made:
>         - The name for the plugin, is this the only plugin or will there
>         be many?
>         - There is a proposition
>         athttp://gitorious.org/geojquery/pages/PluginOverview
>         <http://gitorious.org/geojquery/pages/PluginOverview>  where
>         there is a distinction between UI and Core. The Core plugin is a
>         JQuery api-wrapper around OpenLayers or - as I understand it -
>         some other mapping module to be used. The UI plugin provides the
>         actual interactive mapping widgets (in my understanding such
>         widgets could be the map itself, a legend, a scale bar, a layer
>         selector, a layer manager, a coordinate display, a feature info
>         displayer, an overview map, map drawing tools with element type
>         selector, color selector, line type selector, layer creator etc.)
>         If I understand correctly, the next coding step could be setting
>         up a very simple OpenLayers based map, wrapped in two jquery
>         plugin skeletons (core + ui) such as the one above?
>         Do you think that this is the way to proceed or should we wait
>         for someone or some group to come up with much bigger code chunks?
>         Greetz,
>         Anne
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