[geojquery] Wiki content language

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 07:31:04 EDT 2010

+1, sounds great.

On 07/27/2010 01:30 PM, Christian Wygoda wrote:
> Thanks,
> I knew there had to be an logical answer. :)
> I would maybe then move these introductions to their own wiki pages and
> link these at the start of the wiki home page. This way there is a clean
> and compact start page and translated "introductions" have their own
> rightful place.
> I'd be happy to do that unless someone complains 'till tomorrow...
> Cheers,
>    Crischan
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Volker Mische <volker.mische at gmail.com
> <mailto:volker.mische at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Crischan,
>     geojquery will be english only, except someone wants to translate
>     it. The reason why the content is originally available in German and
>     Spanish as well is the FOSSGIS. At the German conference a huge
>     number of people met, so it made sense to publish it in German as
>     well. There was also Jan, who wanted to get the idea of geojquery to
>     the SIG Libre conference in Spain (which was a few days after the
>     FOSSGIS), therefore he translated it within minutes into Spanish.
>     Cheers,
>       Volker
>     On 07/27/2010 01:20 PM, Christian Wygoda wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I've been browsing the wiki yesterday night and see that there is
>         content available in Spanish and German along with the English
>         content.
>         Now while I appreciate offering information in more than just one
>         language I have doubts that this approach will be easily
>         maintainable.
>         While I assume that the people involved in this project are able
>         to read
>         and write English, I doubt that even the majority speaks Spanish.
>         I therefore would like to ask for the reason why this approach was
>         originally chosen. And - unless there is a major reason I am now
>         unaware
>         of - //I would like to recommend going the "only-English" way,
>         even if
>         it means dropping diversity language-wise.
>         Cheers,
>            Crischan
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